| 1. | India ' s non - alignment option in the cold war scenario 析冷战时代印度的不结盟战略 |
| 2. | Supplementary information on the three categories of alignment options for the hzmb 有关港珠澳大桥3类走线方案的补充资料。 |
| 3. | Enumeration represents the horizontal alignment options for items within a container , such as a )中的项的水平对方式选项。 |
| 4. | Enumeration represents the alignment options for an image relative to the text of a web page 枚举表示图像相对于网页文本的对选项。 |
| 5. | Enumeration represents the different vertical alignment options for an object or text in a control 枚举表示控件中对象或文本的不同垂直对选项。 |
| 6. | Enumeration represents the different text alignment options for check box and radio button controls 枚举表示复选框和单选按钮控件的不同文本对选项。 |
| 7. | Vertical alignment within criii area - various vertical alignment options have been also examined but found unsuitable - -我们亦已研究过不同的竖向定线,但无一合适。 |
| 8. | We are now evaluating the possible alignment options of the nlhc and assessing the impacts of the project in various aspects , including transport and the environment 我们现正就北大屿山公路连接路可能的走线方案进行比选,并正评估项目对交通及环境等方面的影响。 |
| 9. | Figure 2 - horizontal alignment options for the section of cwb between rumsey street flyover and man yiu street the conclusion was that the adopted alignment is the only feasible option . the reasons are 所载的不同横向定线方案,结论是现时采纳的定线是唯一可行的方案,原因如下: |
| 10. | Analyses of horizontal and vertical alignment options for the cwb conclude that the extent of reclamation for the cwb under the criii is the minimum required . - the cwb within the criii satisfies the court of final appeal s " overriding public need test " -中环湾仔绕道横向和竖向定线方案分析的结论是,中区填海第三期工程中供兴建中环湾仔绕道的填海范围是所需的最小范围。 |